If you have a misconception about employment agencies and their work, now is the time to eliminate all your worries about their work. The small fee you can pay or not really worth every penny and more. This is how a typical engineering recruitment agency does its work.
The major engineering recruitment agencies employ dozens of call agents specializing in talent search around the world. Their main sources of information are social media, newspaper ads and word of mouth. The second source of information concerns candidates who contact the agency directly. Although it was customary to send a resume by mail a few years ago, many things have changed dramatically today with the advent of computers, the Internet and email.
The second element of the work of each employment office is the maintenance of good relations with the employers, for whom the representative office also designates representatives. They turn to the employer and begin to investigate their needs. After conducting a detailed survey, the Agency authorizes the employer to issue its hunting request directly on its behalf.
Recruiters look for information first in the office database. Although most matches are done automatically by the computer, it is not uncommon to manually correct the final match. It is normal for agents to recommend more than one candidate to employers. After receiving information on the list of candidates, the employer determined that he felt appropriate. The bridge is now vacant so that the agency can organize meetings between employers and potential employees.
Sometimes the process can be more complicated, especially if the candidate's skills are very specific. It can take several days or even weeks if the agency database does not match. In such situations, the agency turns to social media. They will register their candidates on job portals and even on social media like LinkedIn.
The culmination is the height of the meeting between the employer and the applicant. During this meeting, a report will be submitted to the engineering recruitement agency indicating the applicant's request and the documents he has submitted.